

  • March 8: Fall Registration for Football & Cheer Opens
  • ​March 17: Registration opens for Spring Cheer
  • April 16/17: Spring Cheer Starts
  • June 18/19: Last Nights of Spring Cheer
  • June TBD: Cheer Apparel Night 
  • May/June TBD: Football & Cheer Paperwork Night
  • On or about August 1: Practice starts!

Please click on the Cheer tab above for the most up to date

Save the Dates for the 2025 Fall Cheer Competition Season


Weather Policy

 Football and Cheer practices are held unless there is lightning, or the rain makes it impossible to continue. We will try to get an email out by 4:00 canceling   practice if necessary. If there is only a chance of thunderstorms or light rain, practice will be held.

 If lightning does occur during practice, practice will end immediately. Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up. Coaches are not allowed to take   kids home or have them wait in their cars. ​Please keep an eye on the sky. In the event of thunder and lightning, please head directly to the field ASAP to pick   up your child.

 Please keep checking your email, we will send a notification if the practice is called early.

Welcome to the Home of Mansfield Youth Football & Cheer

​(Mansfield, Massachusetts)

2025 Fall Registration is Now Open!!

Mansfield Youth Football and Cheer  © All rights reserved.

​​​​​​​​​Mansfield Youth Football and Cheer provide boys and girls with a safe structured environment to learn and play football or cheerleading. The program also instills strong core values such as sportsmanship, academics work ethic, teamwork, and a sense of pride for the community we live in.

Today, the program continues to have a meaningful and beneficial impact on our community, and more importantly the youth of Mansfield. It would be impossible to do all of this without the support from sponsors, the community, and local businesses, looking to make an impact for good, no matter how big or small.

Click here for details on becoming a 2025 Sponsor! ​​​

Registration is now open for the 2025 Fall Football & Cheer Season! Please use the links below to access the registration site. If you are a returning player, coach, or student demonstrator use your TeamLinkt user name and password.

Mansfield Youth Football and Cheer
PO Box 92 
Mansfield, MA 02048