2025 Board of Directors
Craig Reginer, President
Rob Keach, Vice President
Katie Fleischer, Cheer Director
Christine Moloney-Gilman, Treasurer
Dianne Kyriakidis, Secretary
Board Members:
Massoud Atallah
Randi Benash Frazier
Jonelle Billone
Ricky Centrone
Matt Cressy
Paul Donovan
Katie Fleischer
Greg Gilman
Tom Herrick
Ed Jameson
Mary Lynn Keach
Rob Keach
Dianne Kyriakidis
James Langham
John McGarry
Christine Maloney-Gilman
Jackie McNamara
Joe McNamara
Kevin O'Neill
CJ Reed
Craig Reginer
Sara Regnier
Tina Rogers
Jo Smith
Scott Smith
Ryan Smith
Leila Smith
P.T. Tarallo
Matt Viens
`Board Meetings
The Mansfield Youth Football and Cheer Board of Directors meets on the second Thursday of each month. The meetings are open to all parents and coaches. To be eligible for election to the board, candidates are required to attend a minimum of 2 meetings that calendar year. Copies of the league’s by-laws and policies are available upon request.
If you are interested in getting involved please email mansfieldyouthfootballandcheer@gmail.com to confirm the date and location of the next meeting.